Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Maoist Vs the state, what is the way out

Today as the time is progressing, with each passing day, the Indian state is finding itself at loggerheads against terrorism, naxalism etc. The intensity is increasing with the time and the permanent solution starts looking a far cry.

What has changed in the paset which is making this happening. On the terrorism front the appeasement policies of the successive governments at the center towards the separatists had made the situation worst. At the beginning of the 21st century the government took corrective measures to rectify its mistakes and worked with full focus towards checking the menace. The strategy paid well and the terroism subdued from it peak of the eighties and nineties of the 20th century.

The methodology can be same but the approach needs to be different while tackling Naxals. Few call them 'Gandhi with Guns",few say that the time has come to wipe them out. Where does the answer lies. I strongly believe that the state should behave in a corrupt manners as the holder of endless power but it should act like a doctor determined to cure a scourge.

Reaching out to Tribals, taking development schemes to them, saving them against police and bureaucratics attrocities can help the governments cause and can bring smoothness in the fast deteriorating relationships.

Last but no the least, the government should know the power can only last upto its limitations but vengeance of poors can shake any empire beyond any power.

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